I'm useless these days. I'm constantly checking rumor sites, adoption boards, etc. I can't seem to focus on anything else for more than 15 minutes at a time (on a good day!). I'm working invisible overtime just to make up for my lack of focus during the day. I just want to know a date, a hard fast date. At this point, I don't even care if *they* lie and tell me next July 1st, then call me up anytime before that, but I just need to know something.
More like I'm craving information.
Come on ladies you know the feeling-- 11pm urge for chocolate hits, so you raid the cabinets for just a taste, and end up licking the bitter baking chocolate because its the closest you can get to the real thing without having to put on a bra and head to the store. So that's what I'm doing right now, I'm licking up all the referral pictures on the www I can get my nubbly little mouse on. So many beautiful babies joined families in the last round-- I've just gotta get my baby fix.
So I've added up the number of families, just in my agency, remaining ahead of me in line~222.
Certainly by the end of August we'll know if The Process* is going to speed up, slow down, or just plain put me in the madhouse.
The Process should forever more be said in a hushed reverent tone with humming monks as the background music for fear of upsetting the delicate balance of adoption karma