12 months
Our LID anniversary came and went without much fanfare. Rather than Black Friday shopping, we opted to sit at an open air bar overlooking the smooth, clear Gulf up in the panhandle and watch the birds dive for fish while we downed our own seafood and 'ritas.
The realization hit me that even if our wait for a match extends to say 18 months...Kayla is born. She is either a newborn with her parents who are making the hardest decision I can imagine. Or, she is in an orphanage, or possibly foster care, hopefully getting the best care they can provide. Regardless, she is.
I wish she were here.
Updated: Hehehehe...read the first comment and you'll see what I corrected. And for the record I was not having a 'rita at the time of posting. I've just got Mommy-to-be brain!!!