Giving the finger(s) to Month 14
That's right, as of next week we've hit the 14 month mark.
I picked up this link to Chinese number gestures during my nightly Rumor Queen reading ritual in the thread with the tips on negotiating good bargains when shopping in China. (I think it is very cool they only need one hand to count to ten. It should be much easier shop without putting down whatever purchase I just negotiated with the other hand.)
Packing, travelling, shopping, and staying-sane-on-the-plane-with-your-baby type posts are actually starting to catch my interest again. My best guess for referral on a good day is April and on a bad day it's June. On a really, really bad day it's August.
Today is a good day. I think I'll start my *must* bring home from China list soon. Anybody want something special for Christmas next year?